Five Best Anal Lubes and Sprays

Let’s face it: buttsex is great because everyone’s got a butt. But the key component to the best anal sex of your life, be it with a penis, some fingers, or some toys, is the lubricant.



Whether you’re DPing, Pegging, or just straight up gettin’ some in the bum, you need lube, and we’re not talking spit here. The anus is very sensitive to tearing when it encounters friction. Such tears are not only painful, but they can put you at risk for infection and STDs.

So, we decided to compile a list of our five favorite anal sprays and lubes for your reading pleasure. Let us know on Tumblr if you have a different preference!

A few tips first:

  • Condoms: If you’re using a penis or a porous toy, you may consider pairing your lube with a condom. We strongly recommend it in either case. Porous toys can hold on to bacteria and can never be truly cleaned. The anus is ripe with bacteria, no matter how much you douche it. Penises can get that bacteria in their urethras which can cause any manner of urinary tract infections. Condoms are the way to go!
  • Toys: Some toy shapes don’t do well in the butt, whereas others are made for back door entrance only! Check out our favorite butt-friendly toys and read about their history here!
  • Silicone: You’ll find that the majority of these lubricants are silicone-based and there’s a reason for that. The anus’ job is to absorb water, so water-based lubes typically become very tacky and sticky. Oil-based lubes can trap bacteria in the anus, potentially risking infection. They’re also not condom-safe. But silicone is a happy medium between the two and it’s perfectly body-safe! You can even ingest it.

WET Uranus Silicone


WET’s Uranus is one of the best lubes on the market, whether it’s in silicone or water-based form. We selected the silicone-based lube to be included on this list though because not only is it glycerin and paraben-free, it’s just as hypoallergenic and awesome as the water-based lube! Our customers who use this lubricant for anal sex positively swear by it. While it doesn’t have any tingling, warming, or numbing agents, it’s going to make your back door slick and smooth and your experience painless.


Pjur Analyse Me! Glide and Spray


Read our review!

Not only do we love the punny name of this project, but we love the way it feels! Many anal lubes and sprays come with benzocaine and lidocaine to numb yo’ butt. We don’t completely think that’s a great idea– when you’re in pain, it’s a great time to stop and try again later. But Pjur Analyse Me! glide and spray both have soothing aloe vera instead. While it will soothe any slight pain, it won’t numb you completely, letting you still feel every inch so you can tell if something’s gone wrong.


Pjur Bodyglide



Like WET Uranus, Pjur Bodyglide is one of the golden standards for silicone-based lubes. This lube really put Pjur on the map not just for anal lubes, but for lubes in general. You see, for those of you who are particularly sensitive skin, this lube isn’t going to clog pores or irritate any dermatitis. It’ll go on nice and smooth and keep you moisturized down there without screwing anything else up. Just be careful, because it’s not toy-safe for toys that aren’t a proven 100% silicone.

ID Millenium

idmel (1)

Read our review!

One of our reviewers has already declared her undying love to ID Millenium, and we don’t blame her. This is one of the slickest silicone lubes out there, and it stays slick for the entire time you’re at play. With only three ingredients, it’s extremely body-safe, so even if you’ve had a reaction to the very safe Uranus or Body Glide, this will prove that third time really is a charm. Just be careful– it can be difficult to get this super power lube out of cloth, like sheets or clothing!


WET Gelee


This is the only water-based lube you’ll find on the list. Why? The answer lies in the gooposity. Yes, this lube is as thick and goopy as it gets. And thick and goopy is good for butts. While water-based lubes are normally enemy #1 for butts due to the fact that the anus absorbs water so well, in this case, the thickness helps keep everything in place. If you have a particularly special toy that isn’t 100% silicone and you’re worried about the above products damaging it, this lube is going to be your best friend. I even use it with my glass toys.

20 thoughts on “Five Best Anal Lubes and Sprays

  1. Pingback: Product Review: Astroglide Glycerin and Paraben-Free | Spicy Gear Girl

  2. Pingback: Product Review: WET Naturals Silky Supreme | Spicy Gear

  3. Pingback: Product Review: Pjur Woman Aqua | Spicy Gear

  4. Pingback: Lube Review: WET Light | Spicy Gear

  5. Pingback: Lube Review: Blossom Organics | Spicy Gear

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  7. Pingback: 7 Things They Didn’t Teach Us in Sex Ed (but They Should Have) | Spicy Gear

  8. Pingback: Lube Review: Pjur Aqua | Spicy Gear

  9. Pingback: Lube Reviews: WET Uranus | Spicy Gear

  10. Pingback: Anal Gel Review: Anal-Ese | Spicy Gear

  11. Pingback: Lube Review: Cherry Scented Anal Lube | Spicy Gear

  12. Pingback: Anal Play: Rips, Hemorrhoids and Rectal Prolapse | Spicy Gear

  13. Pingback: Citizens ‘Caine: The Truth about Delay Creams | Spicy Gear

  14. Easy and comfort way to enjoy sex …..exact meaning of sex estabilsh whenever their is less of pain and more of satishfaction. And this will happen effectively with help of standerd and proper lubes


  15. Pingback: Best Condoms for Anal Play | Spicy Gear

  16. Pingback: December 2014 Reader Questions

  17. Pingback: Anal Sex Article Hub – The Condom Depot Learning Center

  18. Use Pjur Analyse comfort spray and I bet you’ll never go back to silicone. The ingredients are safe and cleaning up will be a breeze. You’re welcome!


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